Satemin 25, DE 29439 Lüchow
Wendland, Germany
Phone: +49 58 41 – 70 92 30


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In Wendland you will find rich flora and fauna. Small partioned meadows, mires between forests, flax fields in the uplands. And then circular villages in-between.

Today, Wendland is home for many who flew the cities, or at least second home. Artisan craftwork, ecology, renewable energy, Gorleben and politics - these are buzzwords strongly related to Wendland: huge diversity.

Main destinations for Wendland travellers are:

  • The circular villages in the east and west of Lüchow as well as Lüchow itself with its historic market square and the Amtsturm. You find more info about all circular villages on (german only).
  • The Nemitzer Heide area was formed by forest fires around 1976
  • Clenzer Schweiz with its Findlingspark (something like Stonehenge) is a hilly forest area in the south west
  • In the north we have the Elbe biosphere reserve with the tiny, half-timbered cities Hitzacker and Dannenberg.

In Wendland, you will find many cultural (arts, music, theater) events throughout the year.

Nach oben
Satemin 25, DE 29439 Lüchow
Tel.: 0 58 41 — 70 92 30